Thursday, July 17, 2014

Alexander Graham Bell 7-15-14

Before leaving Baddeck --- we visited the Alexander Graham Bell Museum --- a surprising visit.  He was quite the inventor --- he began much of his work studying with the deaf and teaching them sign language.  From this he invented the telephone as a natural progression from speech therapy.

IMG_0467 IMG_0448    He and his associates also worked with kites to understand flight, building the 1st Canadian airplane.

IMG_0458 IMG_0457     He also designed and built a submarine chaser – that went 70 mph – as a hydroplane boat for WWI     


An early X-Ray machine                           early recording device IMG_0461    IMG_0462

He was very fond of his wife, family and children.  He loved the Baddeck area of Cape Breton – building his home there.  He was quite the remarkable man.

IMG_0459 IMG_0460

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